The ideal material for a shower

plato ducha azul

When you have clear ideas about your shower, it is important to know what material best suits your needs. Do you have a custom dish or a standard one? One made with synthetic or natural materials?

Índice de contenido

Shower trays standard measures

Among them are those made of ceramic, acrylic, FRP and enamelled steel.

Steel glazed

Estos platos de ducha naturales son fabricados en serie, normalmente con meta de un grosor fino. A continuación son recubiertos con un esmalte cerámico. Son usados principalmente en grandes bloques de edificios por el atractivo del precio.

These natural shower trays are manufactured in a series, usually with a fine layer of steel. Below are coated with a ceramic enamel. They are used mainly in large blocks of buildings because of the attractive price.

The advantages:

  • Resistant to scratches.
  • They are more economical.

The disadvantages:

  • Despite being enamelled over a long period of time they can end up becoming oxidized.


Existen diferentes materiales cerámicos como la arcilla, el caolín, el gres y la porcelana. Ellos se obtienen al vitrificar distintos minerales naturales. Esto quiere decir que son cocidos en un horno a altas temperaturas, aplicándoles también un esmalte de cuarzo.

There are different ceramic materials such as clay, kaolin, stoneware and porcelain. They are obtained by vitrifying different natural minerals. This means that they are baked in an oven at high temperatures, also a quartz glaze is applied.


  • It is often economical and recyclable.
  • Does not yellow with products such as bleach due to the quartz enamel.
  • It is resistant to scratches and has a lasting shine.


  • Installation is difficult because of their weight and their fragility.
  • It is a cold material


It is a thermoplastic material, ie deformed by  heat (even a lit cigarette). Acrylic shower trays are typically made with an acrylic layer and reinforced with fiberglass or polyurethane. Usually housed inside a table carrying agglomerate.

Its advantages

  • They are warmer and lighter.
  • They have a glossy finish.
  • They are cheaper because they are mass-produced.

Its disadvantages

  • They are fragile and are scratched with relative ease.
  • They are difficult to repair.
  • Do not resist some aromatic solvents and aggressive cleaning products.
  • Contact with water and soap increases the danger of slipping.

The PRFV (Fiber Reinforced Polyester Glass)

It is a thermoset material. In the manufacturing process of this synthetic sanitary a layer of gel  is applied to the mold and then coated with fiberglass that gives the physical qualities.


  • They are integrally made of the same material.
  • Light and warm.
  • Antiskid with easy water drainage.
  • Resistant to aromatic solvents.
  • Antibacterials.
  • Easily repairable.
  • They are well suited to the outdoors if the suitable gel coat is applied. They are therefore suitable for sport boats and high-performance instalations.
  • Available in various finishes and colours.


  • Its price is somewhat higher than acrylic or ceramics, due to more craftsmanship.

Tailored shower trays

Produced with materials such as mineral filler, natural stone and teak wood.

Mineral load

Is a mixture of minerals, resins and additives and combining a rigid material with a reasonable weight. These synthetic trays have a special outer coating. Sometimes the mixture is pigmented to provide a colour very similar to the surface (so scratches do not show).

Its advantages:

  • They are warm and are easily cleaned with a damp sponge and soap.
  • Shock resistant.
  • Antimicrobial Agents and  Anti Slip.
  • Resistant to most cleaning products and even various aromatic solvents.
  • They are ultra-thin, approximately 3 cm., and can be installed at ground level for easy access to the shower.
  • Easily repairable.
  • You can make the most of your bathroom thanks to custom manufacturing, along with a wide range of shapes, textures and colours.

Plato de ducha a medida con componentes minerales

Its disadvantages:

  • In the case of carry gel, the degree of anti-slip depends on the surface texture of the shower (stress test). This point does not affect the dishes made with special coatings, which guarantee a high degree of anti-slip regardless of the texture.
  • The price is higher due to the manufacturing process as well as the quality of materials.

Natural stone

Se trata de platos de ducha fabricados con pizarra, mármol, granito o cuarcita. Naturales en lugar de sintéticos.

Are shower trays made of slate, marble, granite or quartz.


  • They are manufactured as.
  • Nonslip.
  • Easy access.
  • Exclusive by the hue of the stone.


  • They are less warm, less shock resistant.
  • Heavy.
  • Its price is high.
  • They require more maintenance because of their porosity and their limited resistance to cleaning products.


This wood resists fungi, termites and insects. It is the most waterproof. It is also treated with an oil to protect and further conservation. The sanitary shower made of this material is not synthetic but natural.


  • It has a reasonable weight and consistency.
  • It is resistant to moisture.
  • Warm andante- slip.
  • Resists weathering.


  • You need more maintenance.
  • Its price is high.

At the forefront: COMPOSITE STONE

The resin shower trays  ST-ONE allow you to create a bathroom with style. They are composed of different resins in addition to minerals and additives. They have a high tech coating that gives them some additional health properties. There is the possibility of 3D printing.


  • Perfect fitting of the screen.
  • Maximum water drainage thanks to the 3D surface generated by numerical control.
  • Class 3 slip.
  • Pigmented mass. So in case of scratching or damage, the internal colour is similar to the surface.
  • Custom-made and with the possibility of special forms or adaptation pillars.
  • Easily repairable at home.
  • Available in several models

Plato de ducha a medida azul

A renovated classic: polyester reinforced with fibreglass

There are six classic models plus two later models. The latter two are textured slate type, ultra-thin and with different measurements. One with a drying zone. And the other with the possibility of varying the position of the drain and the height of the plate.

Plato de ducha de poliester color crema

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